Final event: A night at the ... LeWaZi movies

After lots of work, two exciting trips to France and Italy, and many, many more experiences the Erasmus+-project ended as it had begun two years before: at the movies. This time our location was a special one, as we had the opportunity to use the premises of the LeWaZi on our campus, a fantastic event organised every second year at the end of July by teachers and pupils of the Leonhard-Wagner-Schulen. The pupils who participated in the "Geschichtswettbewerb des Bundespräsidenten" were also given their certificates as well as some little presents for their work, contribution and support in the past two years. Then a last trip back into the hell of World War I started, as the events of the Battle of the Somme unfolded as well as the tragic love story of a young British-French couple that had met in Amiens (North France) years before the war and would be marked by the violent and tragic developments of the years 1916-18 for their entire life.